After Noah - Code of Conduct

Define standards

​​​After Noah Ltd. Code of Conduct – January 2023

Our Code of Conduct sets out and defines the standards of behaviour for everyone who works at or for After Noah. It is designed to be a supportive, positive, everyday decision-making framework and a constant reinforcement of the values and standards of which After Noah is proud. It is intended to encourage personal responsibility and the exercise of professional judgement; empowering everyone to ensure they always do the right thing. We are committed to ensuring that the Code of Conduct is not simply another piece of paper, poster or laminate, but is at the heart of every policy, procedure, decision and action we conduct day to day throughout the business.

Supportive | Positive | Everyday

Building Trust and Credibility.

The success of our business is dependent on the trust and confidence we earn from our employees, customers and shareholders. We gain credibility by adhering to our commitments, displaying honesty and integrity and reaching company goals solely through honourable conduct. It is easy to say what we must do, but the proof is in our actions. Ultimately, we will be judged on what we do.

Respect for the Individual.

We all deserve to work in an environment where we are treated with dignity and respect. After Noah is committed to creating such an environment because it brings out the full potential in each of us, which, in turn, contributes directly to our business success. We cannot afford to let anyone’s talents go to waste.

After Noah is an equal employment/affirmative action employer and is committed to providing a workplace that is free of discrimination of all types from abusive, offensive or harassing behaviour.

Create a Culture of Open and Honest Communication

At After Noah everyone should feel comfortable to speak their mind. Managers have a responsibility to create an open and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable raising such questions. We all benefit tremendously when employees exercise their power to prevent mistakes or wrongdoing by asking the right questions at the right times.

Set The Tone at the Top.

Management has the added responsibility for demonstrating, through their actions, the importance of this Code. In any business, ethical behaviour does not simply happen; it is the product of clear and direct communication of behavioural expectations, modelled from the top and demonstrated by example.

Uphold the Law.

After Noah’s commitment to integrity begins with complying with laws, rules and regulations where we do business.


We are committed to ethical, fair and vigorous competition. We will sell After Noah products and services based on their merit, superior quality, functionality and pricing.

Defining the spirit in which we intend to do business...

Ethical marketing.

We believe in being authentic in our marketing and transparent about what we do and how we work.

Relationships with customers and suppliers are built on trust and integrity, so we believe in honest marketing – no hard sell or hidden costs.

Our marketing principles:

- no hard sell

- no hidden costs or dodgy deals – just honest, clear pricing

- no spam – we don’t send unsolicited marketing emails

- no buying custom – we don’t buy marketing lists

After Noah Ltd. 12th January 2023

Tell us your thoughts.

If you have comments or ideas that you think would help us improve...

Tell us your thoughts, please use this link to pop us an email, If you have comments or ideas that you think would help us improve.

Thanks, After Noah.

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Read on...

Our goal at After Noah is to be a unique retailer of Furniture, Homeware, Gifts & Toys, both in-store and online.

To provide customers the very best choice of Honestly priced, Ethically sourced, Quality made products from around the world.

Supporting and encouraging our suppliers to use sustainable methods and recycled materials.

Prioritising Customer service, Staff welfare and our Social, Ethical and Environmental impact.

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