After Noah - Safe Havens Scheme

Help is at hand...

Islington Council ​Safe Havens scheme –

Anyone who is in danger, feels threatened or harassed, is unwell or just in need of some help, can look for the Safe Haven sign and know that help is at hand inside.

Islington Council ​Safe Havens scheme

Safe Havens scheme

Safe Havens are a practical way for businesses to let local residents know that a form of support is easily available if they need help.

Becoming a Safe Haven is a way to show that residents can go into a local business and be supported. They make explicit what we would already do and they show that, as a borough, Islington is invested and cares about the safety of each other.

Anyone who is in danger, feels threatened or harassed, is unwell or just in need of some help, can look for the Safe Haven sign and know that help is at hand inside.

Safe Havens can help by:

  • Providing a friendly face and reassurance
  • Calling the police or family or friends
  • Simply giving directions or public transport information
  • Proud to support our local community.

    As part of our broader work supporting the local community in Islington, and tackling violence, the opportunity to register as an approved Save Haven was a natural step.

    Islington council, in partnership with local business, the Metropolitan Police and community social and out reach groups have created a network of support throughout the borough.

    No one should feel afraid of walking, running, cycling, or sitting in any part of Islington, regardless of their personal identity, the time of day, how quiet or how busy it is.

    Read more about After Noah's Corporate Social Responsibility.

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