Catherine Pring 7 - 16 February

Catherine Pring ​

7th - 16th February –

Catherine Pring is a London-based artist, living in Islington. She completed a foundation course at Kingston Polytechnic, a degree in Printmaking at Canterbury College of Art and a post-graduate diploma at Cyprus College of Art. Catherine is an established artist, represented by Panter & Hall. As with most artists, Catherine paints about the human condition. She paints people and they represent something or there’s a story unfolding. Catherine often uses myths and legends as a starting point for her paintings but not always - occasionally paintings come from real life. Catherine works with her subconscious and says that making art is a like dreaming, she switches her head off, gets into the flow and lets things suggest themselves. Catherine’s oil paintings are large-scale, bold and colourful.

Song of Songs

Valentine's Day falls during the course of this exhibition and, as you might expect, Catherine takes advantage of this opportunity to celebrate love. There are painted friends, couples, spiritual connection and romantic stories on display. Catherine explains that sometimes her paintings come easily and the canvases have a light, printmakerly feel. And sometimes her paintings are built up in multiple layers, false starts that cause her to feel the need to spin the canvas and start again. These reworked paintings tend to have rich areas of texture and unexpected patterns and colouring. Because of this, Catherine’s work has two distinct styles but the paintings still have the same flavour. We hope you enjoy them.

If you're interested in Catherine Pring, you can view more here. Or you can contact them below.

Instagram: @catherinepring



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